- HAM.ORG is just an Internet domain name.
WWW.HAM.ORG is the host name people would expect to find in that domain.
There is no actual organization by this name.
Since there was no organization using HAM.ORG,
a name which people interested in Amateur "Ham" Radio might try if they
don't know the exact name of an organization appropriate for them,
the name HAM.ORG was registered on the Internet and setup with
links to the organizations serving Ham Radio.
In addition, other valuable information sources and services that would
be useful for people interested in Ham Radio is also provided as links.
- República Argentina

- RCA, Radio Club Argentino
- Australia

- WIA, The Wireless Institute of Australia
- WIA, The Wireless Institute of Australia (SA Division)
- WIA, The Wireless Institute of Australia (WA Division)
- Belgium

- Belgian Ham Radio
- Canada

- RAC, Radio Amateurs du Canada [Français]
- RAC, Radio Amateurs of Canada [English]
- Denmark

- Experimenterende Danske Radioamatører
- Finland

- SRAL, Suomen Radioamatööriliitto ry [Suomeksi]
- SRAL, Finlands Radioamatörförbund rf [På svenska]
- SRAL, The Finnish Amateur Radio League [English]
- France

- REF-Union
- Germany

- Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e. V.
- Great Britain

- RSGB, the Radio Society of Great Britain
- Hungary

- MRASZ - Magyar Rádióamatőr Szövetség
- India

- Amateur Radio Society of India
- Italy

- ARI, Associazione Radioamatori Italiani [Sezione di Ravenna]
- Jamaica

- JARA, Jamaica Amateur Radio Association
- Japan

- Japan Amateur Radio League
[English version]
- Malaysia

- Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society
- Mexico

- Federacion Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores, A. C.
- New Zealand

- New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters
- Netherlands

- Vereniging van Radio Zend Amateurs
- Norway

- Norsk Radio Relæ Liga
- Slovenia

- Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije
- Sweden

- Sveriges Sändareamatörer
- Switzerland

- Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen-Amateure
- United States of America

- ARRL, The American Radio Relay League
- Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association
- AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
- AWA, the Antique Wireless Association
- Courage HANDI-HAM System
- QCWA, the Quarter Century Wireless Association
- SAREX, the Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment
- TAPR, Tucson Amateur Packet Radio
- The Amateur Television Network
- The Amateur Television Directory
- Six Meters World Wide
- No-Code InternationalTM
- FISTS (The International Morse Preservation Society)
- ITU, the International Telecommunication Union
- FCC, the Federal Communications Commission
- Industry Canada call sign database
- NIST time/frequency services, WWV and WWVH
- NOAA Space Environment Lab solar forecast
- United States of America
- Puerto Rico
- Liga Puertorriqueńa de Radioaficionados
- Southern California
- Hilltop Amateur Mastertie System (HAMS)
- Florida
- Central Florida DX Association
- Central Florida Geeks Amateur Radio Society
- North Florida DX Association
- South Florida DX Association
- Brevard county Ham Radio info
- North Brevard Amateur Radio Club
- Downstate Illinois
- Synton ARC of University of Illinois
- Minnesota
- Rochester Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
- Ohio
- Preble Amateur Radio Association
- North Texas
- The Dallas Amateur Radio Club
- WWW.HAM.DMZ.RO - mods, manuals and schematics
- HamTV.Org
- The DX Zone
- The KE4ARM Amateur Radio Page
- Free Ham Radio & SWL Toolbar
- PCDealer Online, dealer links
- PCDealer Online, dealer e-mail
- Send mail to KA9WGN