130 ham radio call links
for hams in
Callsign group HBA-HBZ
Confederation of Switzerland

hb0tc | hb3ycb | hb3ydy | hb3yev | hb3yex | hb3yfo | hb9aa | hb9ab | hb9ac | hb9afz | hb9amo | hb9au | hb9ba | hb9bbz | hb9beh | hb9bfd | hb9bfy | hb9bgv | hb9bhu | hb9bjj | hb9bkq | hb9blz | hb9bpp | hb9bru | hb9bsl | hb9bzd | hb9bzx | hb9cat | hb9cau | hb9cfr | hb9cic | hb9cjx | hb9cok | hb9cps | hb9cqk | hb9cru | hb9crv | hb9crz | hb9csm | hb9cxh | hb9cxz | hb9czf | hb9czo | hb9d | hb9dbk | hb9dca | hb9ddo | hb9ddz | hb9dgc | hb9dgk | hb9dhu | hb9dig | hb9dip | hb9diz | hb9djr | hb9dmb | hb9dnf | hb9dno | hb9dns | hb9dnu | hb9dob | hb9dod | hb9dpd | hb9dqs | hb9drb | hb9dsd | hb9dsf | hb9dsu | hb9dsw | hb9dte | hb9duq | hb9eaa | hb9ebh | hb9faw | hb9fax | hb9fbo | hb9fmb | hb9fmx | hb9gr | hb9haf | hb9hal | hb9hfk | hb9hfn | hb9hvl | hb9iiu | hb9iiv | hb9ijc | hb9iji | hb9irm | hb9jaw | hb9jcb | hb9joi | hb9kab | hb9kbj | hb9lbc | hb9ley | hb9lga | hb9lu | hb9mfw | hb9mg | hb9mm | hb9mtn | hb9nd | hb9o | hb9oab | hb9obw | hb9pjt | hb9pqx | hb9pvi | hb9rf | hb9rl | hb9rr | hb9rtz | hb9rwl | hb9ryv | hb9sdb | hb9sfd | hb9soo | hb9sqx | hb9tjx | hb9tks | hb9tlk | hb9uak | hb9vaf | hb9wdf | hb9xch | hb9zcw | hb9zga | hb9zig | hb9zs

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