87 ham radio call links
for hams in
Callsign group S5A-S5Z
Republic of Slovenia

s50b | s50c | s50f | s50g | s50m | s50n | s50r | s50s | s50u | s51d | s51dka | s51dsg | s51dx | s51e | s51fu | s51gl | s51kq | s51mm | s51mq | s51slo | s51ta | s51u | s51wnd | s51zo | s52ft | s52go | s52gp | s52tg | s53dlb | s53g | s53m | s53ma | s53mm | s53ra | s53s | s53x | s53xx | s55aw | s55w | s56ecr | s56gvw | s56ips | s56iua | s56phv | s56pkf | s56vjg | s56vvv | s56waz | s56wdf | s56wom | s56wtt | s56wuk | s57a | s57ben | s57bmu | s57cct | s57fyl | s57hh | s57iio | s57kri | s57lwg | s57mgl | s57mha | s57mru | s57mta | s57nan | s57ndt | s57nez | s57odk | s57omr | s57onw | s57opm | s57sxs | s57ua | s57waz | s57yl | s58c | s58n | s58q | s58t | s59acp | s59dz | s59eij | s59f | s59g | s59ma | s59yl

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